August 26th to August 30th, 2024 and September 9th to September 13th

Class Performance: The student: Design the elements of publicity 

July 29th to August 2nd, 2024 and August 12th to August 16th, 2024

Class Performance: The student:Make the model in Tinker Cad.

The student: Manage your time to review classroom activities and Do the self evaluation


July 22th to July 26th, 2024

Class Performance: The student: Design and show a presentation about the IA choosed by himself.

** Craiyon





July 8th to July 12th, 2024  and July 15th to July 19th, 2024

Class Performance: The student: Searching information about IA in the cotidiany life.

 La inteligencia artificial ha revolucionado la forma en que realizamos tareas diarias al automatizar procesos que solían ser tediosos y consumían mucho tiempo. Ahora, gracias a la IA, podemos delegar actividades rutinarias a robots y sistemas inteligentes, lo que nos permite ahorrar tiempo y esfuerzo.



June 4th to June 7th, 2024

Class Performance: The student: Remember the basic rules


  • Lavarse las manos antes de ingresar
  • Revisar que tu equipo tenga los elementos en buen estado
  • Hacer uso adecuado de los elementos asignados
  • No consumir alimentos cerca a los equipos.

Week (May 27th to May 31th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Made techical drawing exercise


Week (May 6th to May 10th, 2024) and  Week (May 20th to May 24th, 2024) 

Class Performance: The student: Make a video using the stop motion techical



Week (April 29th to May 3rd, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Write the topics and class performance




Week (April 22th to April 26th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Do the self-evaluation

Week (April 8th to April 12th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Made techical drawing exercise


Week (April 1st to April 5th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Social media Infography

Questions: What social media Positive impacts Negative impact Importan Draw iconos (why)


What social media

Positive impacts

Negative impact


Draw iconos (why)



**Week (March 18th to March 22th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student:Time line



**Week (March 18th to March 22th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Made techical drawing exercise



Week (February 26th to March 1th, 2024) and Week (March 4th to March 8th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Design a memme according the characteristics




Week (February 12th to February 16th, 2024) and Week (February 19th to February 23th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Design a Infografy about: Adiccciones tecnologicas

 ***Lectura (guía)

***Elaboración Infografía


One Week (January 22th to January 26th, 2024)

Class Performance: The student: Write the topics, class performance and rules of class.

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